applied fluids engineering, inc. is a world leader in tsunami hazard assessment and landslide hazard assessment, with years of experience conducting Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) for the insurance, oil & gas, and nuclear industries:

applied fluids engineering, inc. has four general classes of services that it provides, often as part of product development, outside of tsunami and landslide hazard assessment:

Air and water motion

  • A 3D panel method code is available for high Reynolds number, unsteady flows that may include fluid flow separation. 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes codes based on the finite volume (or volume of fluid) method are available for viscous flows.

  • 2D and 3D fluid dynamic codes are available to simulate tsunami generation by coseismic displacement, underwater landslides and slumps, and impact events on the water surface. Applications of these models provide a necessary first step for effective tsunami hazard assessment.

  • A depth averaged tsunami propagation code is available to study coastal attack, including fully nonlinear runup. This model can be applied to harbor response due to tsunami attack.

  • Experimental studies of water waves can be arranged upon request.

  • Mathematical analyses are available for many types of basic fluid flows.


Suspension dynamics

  • 2D and 3D finite volume codes are available to simulate suspension flows for industrial applications. These models can enhance system behavior and optimize design point performance for suspensions composed of nearly uniform particle size and subject to any reasonable rate of strain.

  • 2D and 3D finite volume codes are available to simulate sediment transport in natural settings. These models are intended for applications with nearly uniform sediment grain size and minimal bed load transport.


Rapid phase change

  • Simulations can be conducted of a single liquid drop interacting with a fluid environment of vastly different temperature. This potentially explosive system is an important component of various industrial disaster scenarios.

  • Order of magnitude analyses can be made of energy transfer and pressure yields when a volatile liquid contacts a hot surface. Applications include nuclear reactor and industrial disaster scenarios, liquid natural gas spills in harbors, and ink jet printer design.


Vertebrate locomotion

  • Shape and motion analyses of vertebrate locomotion, especially for swimming and flying, are often a prerequisite for more advanced functional morphology studies.

  • Mechanical testing and constitutive relations of biological tissues are often necessary to describe and model the behavior of biological tissues, respectively.

  • Dynamic simulations and animations of vertebrate motion may involve calculating and visualizing the forces acting on moving animals. Force vizualization provides a powerful and sometimes necessary explanatory tool.

  • Biomimetic design of autonomous underwater vehicles is performed with the fluid dynamic codes described above. Genetic algorithms are applied to biological shapes and motions during the design process.


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